You can have ecstatic bliss.
You can be turned on by your own body!
You can be a pleasure-filled-sensual Queen!
YOU! Yes, YOU!
In fact, you already are this.
You've just forgotten.
Cause that's what the world taught you to do.
To forget. To outsource your pleasure. To wait for someone else to give it to you.
Wait for the man to turn you on.
Wait for the lover to 'touch the right spot'.
Wait for someone else to love & worship your body before you can.
So, you've been waiting, right?
And I’m going to guess (cause I’ve been there!)...
It’s left you feeling resentful + dissatisfied.
Broken + confused.
It's left you thinking that maybe pleasure is only something 'She' can have. That wild woman on Instagram. That woman who is NOT you.
But, Beautiful, you're ready to remember!
Stop. Take a breathe. And repeat after me...
"Pleasure is for me. But it's my job to claim it."
Go on, say it!!!!
"Pleasure is for me. But it's my job to claim it!"
And whoa, baby… when you do...
Whhooooaaaaaaa... you’re going to be unstoppable.
You're here because you've been asking for this.
You’ve been praying for this.
Your time to remember & reawaken the WILD WOMAN within.
Your time to truly feel just how glorious it is to be YOU!
It’s YOU. It’s NOW.
You feel it, right?!